In the modern digital world, technology has significantly transformed the way we work with information. This chapter focuses on three key areas: Digital Documentation, Electronic Spreadsheets, and Database Management Systems (DBMS). These tools play a crucial role in enhancing efficiency and managing data effectively.
Digital Documentation:
Digital documentation refers to the creation, management, and storage of documents in electronic formats. It eliminates the need for physical papers and facilitates easy access, organization, and sharing of information. Nowadays, digital documentation has become a standard practice for both personal and professional use.
Electronic Spreadsheets:
Electronic spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, are used to organize, analyze, and store data in tabular form. They allow users to perform complex calculations, create graphs, and visualize data. Spreadsheets are extremely important for tasks like financial budgeting, data analysis, and forecasting.
Database Management System (DBMS):
A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software tool that helps store, retrieve, and manage data in a structured format. It enables users to add, delete, and modify data within databases. DBMS is widely used to manage large-scale data efficiently and securely.
These tools are essential in today’s digital era, significantly improving productivity and data management across various sectors. ЁЯЪА
10th Class IT Very Short Questions Answer | CBSE
Digital Documentation using LibreOffice Writer
Q:- What is a style in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- A style is a collection of formatting information that can be saved and applied to a document.
Q:- Give an example of a style name.
Ans:- Title style.
Q:- What font size is used in the ‘Title style’ example?
Ans:- Size тАУ 12.
Q:- What is the font name in the ‘Title style’ example?
Ans:- Bookman Old Style.
Q:- What is the font weight in the ‘Title style’ example?
Ans:- Bold.
Q:- What is the alignment in the ‘Title style’ example?
Ans:- Left.
Q:- How many style categories are provided in Writer?
Ans:- Six.
Q:- Name the first style category in Writer.
Ans:- Page Style.
Q:- What does Page Style define?
Ans:- Basic page layout like size, margins, headers, footers, etc.
Q:- What is the default style used if no page style is specified?
Ans:- Default Page Style.
10th Class IT Very Short Questions Answer
Q:- Which style is used for formatting paragraphs?
Ans:- Paragraph Style.
Q:- What key is used to start a new paragraph?
Ans:- Enter key.
Q:- What does Paragraph Style include?
Ans:- Tab stops, alignment, line spacing, and borders.
Q:- Which style is used to format individual words or characters?
Ans:- Character Style.
Q:- What can you change using Character Style?
Ans:- Text color, size, and highlighting.
Q:- What is the purpose of Frame Style?
Ans:- To format sections with text, graphics, or lists.
Q:- What can Frame Style specify?
Ans:- Size, position, borders, and text placement.
Q:- Which style is used to format lists?
Ans:- List Style.
Q:- What can you add using List Style?
Ans:- Numbering or bullet styles.
Q:- Which function key opens the Styles menu quickly?
Ans:- F11.
Q:- What is the Fill Format option used for in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- It applies a selected style to words at different locations in the document.
Q:- Where is the Fill Format button located in the Style menu?
Ans:- It is the second icon from the right on the Style menu.
10th Class IT Very Short Questions Answer
Q:- What can be styled using the Fill Format option?
Ans:- Pages, frames, tables, lists, paragraphs, or characters.
Q:- What key can be pressed to exit the Fill Format option?
Ans:- Press the Esc key.
Q:- What is a Custom Style in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- A style created by the user when predefined styles don’t meet their needs.
Q:- How can a new style be created in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- From Selection or using the Drag and Drop method.
Q:- What is the purpose of the Style Action button?
Ans:- It creates or modifies styles, or loads styles from a document or template.
Q:- What happens when you use the Drag and Drop method to create a new style?
Ans:- You select formatted text, drag it to the Style Menu, and create a new style.
Q:- Can the Drag and Drop method be used to create a Page Style?
Ans:- No, it cannot be used to create a Page Style.
Q:- What does the Load Styles option do in the Style menu?
Ans:- It copies styles from an existing template or document into the current document.
Q:- What is the function of predefined Heading styles in Writer?
Ans:- Predefined Heading style(s) act as bookmarks in a document. These bookmarks allow faster browsing in a document.
Q:- Where can the Style tools be accessed in Writer?
Ans:- These Style(s) tools can be accessed
Q:- What can the Fill Format option be used for in a document?
Ans:- Fill Format is used to style scattered тАУ Pages, Frames, Tables, Lists, Paragraphs or Characters in a document.
Q:- How can custom styles be created in Writer?
Ans:- Writer allows creating custom style and saving them for future use.
10th Class IT Very Short Questions Answer
Q:- Which methods can be used to create a custom style in Writer?
Ans:- These new styles can be created using Selection method or Drag and Drop method.
Q:- Can the Drag and Drop method be used to create a Page style?
Ans:- Drag and Drop method cannot be used to create a Page style.
Q:- Can a user-defined style be updated in Writer?
Ans:- A user defined style once created, can be updated at any point of time. Steps used for updating a style are same as creation of style.
Q:- How can a document be styled using another document or template?
Ans:- A document can be styled using another document or a template.
Q:- What tools does LibreOffice Writer provide for working with images?
Ans:- Image, shapes, charts, and diagrams tools.
Q:- How can you insert an image in a LibreOffice Writer document?
Ans:- Using Insert Image dialog, Drag and Drop, Cut, Copy and Paste, or Linking.
Q:- What is the procedure to insert an image using the Drag and Drop method?
Ans:- Drag the image from its source and drop it in the document.
Q:- What is the first step in inserting an image using Drag and Drop in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- Open the document where the image needs to be inserted.
Q:- What should you do after opening the document when using Drag and Drop to insert an image?
Ans:- Open a file browser window and select the image file.
Q:- How do you paste the image once youтАЩve dragged it into the document?
Ans:- Drop the image where you want it to appear.
10th Class IT Very Short Questions Answer
Q:- What is the method used to insert an image by copying and pasting?
Ans:- Copy the image and paste it into the document.
Q:- What happens when you click on the Image Filter in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- A window with 11 filters opens.
Q:- What does the ‘Invert’ filter do to the image?
Ans:- It inverts the color values of the image.
Q:- What effect does the ‘Smooth’ filter have on the image?
Ans:- It softens the contrast of the image.
Q:- What does the ‘Sharpen’ filter do to an image?
Ans:- It increases the contrast of the image.
Q:- What does the ‘Remove Noise’ filter do to the image?
Ans:- It removes single pixels from the image.
Q:- What does the ‘Solarisation’ filter do to a photograph?
Ans:- It reverses the tone, making dark areas appear light and light areas appear dark.
Q:- What is the effect of the ‘Aging’ filter on an image?
Ans:- It simulates the effect of time, aging the picture.
Q:- What does the ‘Posterise’ filter do to an image?
Ans:- It makes a picture appear like a painting by reducing colors.
Q:- What does the ‘Charcoal Sketch’ filter do to an image?
Ans:- It changes the image into a charcoal sketch.
Q:- What effect does the ‘Relief’ filter have on the image?
Ans:- It adjusts the light source to create shadow.
Q:- What does the ‘Mosaic’ filter do to an image?
Ans:- It groups pixels into a single area of one color.
Q:- What is the purpose of resizing an image in a document?
Ans:- To fit the image at the desired place in the document.
Q:- How can an image be resized in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- Using various methods available in the software.
Q:- How do you delete an image from a document in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- Select the image and press the Delete key.
Q:- What is the purpose of the drawing tools in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- To create flowcharts, callout boxes, and diagrams.
Q:- What can you do with diagrams created using drawing tools?
Ans:- Place them directly in the document or copy/import them to other packages.
Q:- What is the first step in using drawing tools in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- Open the drawing tools and select the appropriate tool for your design.
Q:- What are the four settings that control the positioning of an image in text?
Ans:- Arrangement, Anchoring, Alignment, and Text Wrapping.
Q:- What does the ‘Arrangement’ setting control for an image?
Ans:- The placement of the image in relation to other objects in the document.
Q:- What is ‘Anchoring’ used for when positioning an image?
Ans:- It determines where the image will be fixed in relation to text or the page.
Q:- What does the ‘Alignment’ setting affect in terms of image positioning?
Ans:- It controls the alignment of the image within the document.
Q:- What does ‘Text Wrapping’ control for an image in a document?
Ans:- It determines how text flows around the image.
Q:- Can an image be positioned with other content in the document?
Ans:- Yes, using the four settings: Arrangement, Anchoring, Alignment, and Text Wrapping.
Q:- What is a digital image in a document?
Ans:- A graphic or image represented in pixels.
Q:- How is a digital image represented in a document?
Ans:- In pixels.
Q:- What methods can be used to insert a predefined image into a document?
Ans:- Drag and Drop, Copy-Paste, or Insert Image dialog box.
10th Class IT Very Short Questions Answer
Q:- What happens when you insert an image into a document?
Ans:- A copy of the image is embedded in the document.
Q:- How can an image be linked to a document?
Ans:- By using the Insert Image dialog box.
Q:- What is the advantage of linking an image instead of embedding it?
Ans:- Linking saves space when multiple copies of the same image are required.
Q:- What tools are available in the Image Toolbar?
Ans:- Tools for filtering, resizing, cropping, deleting, and rotating an image.
Q:- What is the purpose of Drawing Tools in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- To create pictures or objects such as flowcharts, call-out boxes, and designs.
Q:- What can be modified about the properties of a drawing object?
Ans:- It can be resized, rotated, moved, or edited.
Q:- What is the main advantage of using linked images in a document?
Ans:- It saves space by storing only the link to the image rather than embedding it.
Q:- What type of tools does the Image Toolbar provide?
Ans:- Tools for modifying images, such as filtering, resizing, cropping, deleting, and rotating.
Q:- What can you do with an object once it has been created in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- You can resize, rotate, move, or edit it.
Q:- What is the purpose of setting default values for a drawing object?
Ans:- To modify its properties before creation.
Q:- How does linking an image save space in a document?
Ans:- It stores only the link to the image, not the full image file.
Q:- Can you embed the same image multiple times in a document?
Ans:- Yes, using the linking method, saving space.
Q:- What is the advantage of the Drag and Drop method for inserting images?
Ans:- It provides a quick way to insert images into the document.
Q:- What can be adjusted in the Image Toolbar for modifying an image?
Ans:- Filters, size, crop, rotation, and deletion of images.
10th Class IT Very Short Questions Answer
Q:- What is the function of the Insert Image dialog box?
Ans:- It allows embedding or linking an image in the document.
Q:- What does the term тАЬsetting default valuesтАЭ refer to in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- Modifying properties of a drawing object before it is created.
Q:- What happens when you resize a drawing object in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- The objectтАЩs size changes, affecting its properties.
Q:- What is one benefit of using the Copy-Paste method to insert an image?
Ans:- It provides an easy way to insert an image without needing to drag it.
Q:- Why might you choose to use the Insert Image dialog box?
Ans:- For inserting an image directly or linking it to the document.
Q:- What is a Table of Contents (ToC) and how does it function in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- A ToC lists topics and subtopics with page numbers, and in LibreOffice Writer, it can be automated.
Q:- How many levels of headings does LibreOffice Writer support for the Table of Contents?
Ans:- LibreOffice Writer supports up to 10 levels of headings (H1 to H10) in the Table of Contents.
Q:- What steps are needed to insert an automated Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- To insert a ToC, select Insert > Table of Contents and Index > Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography.
Q:- How can you add a graphic background to the Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- To add a graphic background, select the Bitmap button in the Background tab of the dialog box.
Q:- Once inserted, how can a Table of Contents be edited or deleted from a document?
Ans:- A ToC can be edited or deleted by selecting it and modifying or removing it.
Q:- What is a template in LibreOffice Writer and what does it help you achieve?
Ans:- A template is a preset layout for creating formal documents with predefined formatting.
10th Class IT Very Short Questions Answer
Q:- How can you create and save your own template in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- To save a template, select File > Templates > Save.
Q:- Where can you find a range of online templates in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- Online templates can be downloaded from LibreOfficeтАЩs internet repository.
Q:- How can you set a template as the default template in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- A template can be set as the default by selecting it in the Templates window.
Q:- What is the purpose of the “Export Template” option in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- “Export Template” saves the template file in a specific folder on your computer.
Q:- How can exporting a template be useful when sharing with multiple users?
Ans:- Exporting allows sharing templates with others by storing them in accessible locations.
Q:- What is the “Track Changes” feature in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- The “Track Changes” feature records changes made by users in a document.
Q:- How does the “Track Changes” feature help when editing and reviewing a document?
Ans:- It helps authors accept or reject edits and view comments made during the review process.
Q:- What options are available for managing the changes recorded using “Track Changes”?
Ans:- Changes can be accepted, rejected, or modified based on the original authorтАЩs decision.
Q:- Can you add comments while reviewing a document using the “Track Changes” feature in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- Yes, comments can be added during document review with “Track Changes”.
Q:- What tools are available on the Track Changes toolbar in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- The Track Changes toolbar includes tools to accept/reject changes and manage comments.
Q:- How do you view the Track Changes toolbar in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans:- To view the Track Changes toolbar, select View > Toolbars > Track Changes.
Electronic Spreadsheet Using LibreOffice Calc
Q:- What is data analysis?
Ans:- Data analysis is the process of extracting useful information to make effective decisions.
Q:- Which software is commonly used for data analysis?
Ans:- A spreadsheet, such as LibreOffice Calc.
Q:- What is LibreOffice Calc?
Ans:- It is the spreadsheet component of LibreOffice used for data analysis.
Q:- What is the purpose of data consolidation in Calc?
Ans-:- To combine information from multiple sheets to summarize data.
Q:- What is the function of the Consolidate tool?
Ans:- It helps view and compare various data in a single spreadsheet.
Q:- What is Group and Outline in Calc?
Ans:- A tool used to create an outline and group rows or columns for easy data management.
Q:- How can you group data in LibreOffice Calc?
Ans:- By selecting data, clicking on Data > Group and Outline, and choosing Rows or Columns.
Q:- What does the Subtotal tool do in Calc?
Ans:- It automatically groups data and applies functions like sum and average.
Q:- What is a What-if scenario?
Ans:- A set of values used to explore and compare alternatives in calculations.
Q:- What is the purpose of a What-if scenario?
Ans:- To predict outcomes and optimize decisions based on changing conditions.
Q:- How do you create multiple What-if scenarios in Calc?
Ans:- By naming scenarios and applying different sets of values on the same sheet.
Q:- What is the What-if Analysis Tool in Calc?
Ans:- A planning tool that uses Data > Multiple Operations to analyze different scenarios.
Q:- What does the Multiple Operations tool do?
Ans:- It creates a formula array to display results from alternative input values.
Q:- What are the two arrays used in the What-if Analysis Tool?
Ans:- One array for input values and the other for formulas and results.
Q:- What is the Goal Seek tool used for?
Ans:- Goal Seek is used to find the input value needed to achieve a desired output by adjusting a specific variable in a formula.
Q:- What is the Consolidate function?
Ans:- The Consolidate function combines information from multiple sheets to summarize data in one place.
Q:- Name any two tools for data analysis.
Ans:- What-if Analysis Tool and Goal Seek.
Q:- Which tool is used to create an outline for selected data?
Ans:- The Group and Outline tool.
Q:- Define the terms:
Ans:- (a) Consolidate function: Combines data from multiple sheets to summarize information.
(b) What-if analysis: Analyzes different scenarios by changing input values to predict outcomes.
(c) Goal Seek: Finds the required input value to achieve a desired output in a formula.
Q:- Give one point of difference:
Ans:- (a) Subtotal vs What-if: Subtotal summarizes grouped data, while What-if predicts outcomes by changing inputs.
(b) What-if scenario vs What-if tool: What-if scenario compares multiple conditions; What-if tool analyzes outcomes with data operations.
Q:- Give any two advantages of data analysis tools:
Ans:- Helps in decision-making.
Identifies patterns, trends, and relationships.
Q:- Name any two tools for data analysis:
Ans:- What-if Analysis Tool, Goal Seek
Q:- What are the criteria for consolidating sheets?
Ans:- Data should be organized in a consistent structure with common labels.
Q:- Which tool is used to create an outline for the selected data?
Ans:- Group and Outline tool.
Q:- What is a macro?
Ans:- A macro is a single instruction that executes a set of commands or keystrokes.
Q:- What can a macro record?
Ans:- A macro can record a sequence of actions like keystrokes and clicks.
Q: How can you run a macro in LibreOffice?
Ans:- Go to Tools > Macros > Run Macro to open the Macro Selector dialog box.
Q:- What language are recorded macros stored in?
Ans:- Recorded macros are stored as instructions in a programming language.
Q:- How do you organize macros in LibreOffice?
Ans:- Click on Tools > Macros > Organize Macros > LibreOffice Basic.
Q:- List the actions that are not recorded by a macro.
Ans:- Mouse movements, dialog box interactions, and changes in macro security settings.
Q:- How is LibreOffice Macros Library different from My Macros?
Ans:- LibreOffice Macros Library contains macros available for all documents, while My Macros stores macros for personal use in specific documents.
Q:- Differentiate between predefined function in Calc and Macros as a function.
Ans:- Predefined functions are built-in formulas (like SUM), while macros are custom instructions created by users to automate tasks.
Q:- List the rules that should be kept in mind while naming a macro.
Ans:- Macro names should not contain spaces, start with a letter, and avoid special characters.
Q:- Give any one advantage of macros.
Ans:- Macros save time by automating repetitive tasks.
Q:- Name the two ways to link the sheets in a LibreOffice Calc.
Ans:- Using formulas and hyperlinks.
Q:- Differentiate between Relative and Absolute Hyperlink.
Ans:- Relative Hyperlink: Changes based on the fileтАЩs location.
Absolute Hyperlink: Fixed path that doesnтАЩt change regardless of file location.
Q:- Write steps to extract a table from a web page in a spreadsheet.
Ans:- Copy the table from the web page тЖТ Open Calc тЖТ Right-click on a cell тЖТ Select Paste Special тЖТ Choose the format тЖТ Click OK.
Q:- Write steps to register a data source that is in .odb format.
Ans:- Go to Tools > Options тЖТ Select Base > Databases тЖТ Click New тЖТ Choose the *.odb file тЖТ Click OK to register.
Q:- State advantages of extracting data from a web page into a spreadsheet.
Ans:- Easy data analysis, quick updates, and efficient data management.
Q:- What is a shared spreadsheet in LibreOffice Calc?
Ans:- A spreadsheet that can be accessed and edited by multiple users simultaneously.
Q:- What is the benefit of sharing a spreadsheet?
Ans:- It avoids the need to manage multiple copies and allows real-time collaboration.
Q:- Which menu option is used to share a spreadsheet?
Ans:- Tools > Share Spreadsheet.
Q:- What must you do to enable sharing in the Share Document dialog window?
Ans:- Check the box “Share this spreadsheet with other users” and click OK.
Q:- What happens after enabling sharing in a spreadsheet?
Ans: A confirmation dialog appears to save and activate the shared mode.
Q:- How can you review changes made in a shared spreadsheet?
Ans:- Go to Edit > Track Changes > Show.
Q:- What is the purpose of reviewing changes in a spreadsheet?
Ans:- To view, accept, or reject changes before finalizing the document.
Q:- What is merging in the context of spreadsheets?
Ans:- Combining changes from different versions of the same spreadsheet into one.
Q:- How can you compare two spreadsheets in LibreOffice Calc?
Ans:- Use the Compare Documents feature.
Q:- What is the difference between merging and comparing documents?
Ans:- Merging combines changes into one file, while comparing highlights differences between two files.
Q:- Define the terms:
Ans:- (a) Sharing Spreadsheet: A feature that allows multiple users to access and edit the same spreadsheet simultaneously.
(b) Record Changes: A feature used to track, view, and manage modifications made in a spreadsheet by different users.
Q:- Write the commands to perform:
Ans:- (a) Sharing Spreadsheet:Tools > Share Spreadsheet
(b) Record Changes:Edit > Track Changes > Record
Q:- Which menu is used to perform the functions:
Ans:- (a) Track Changes:Edit menu
(b) Saving Spreadsheet:File menu
Database ManageMent system Using LibreOffice Base
Q:- What is Data?
Ans:- The raw facts constitutes data. The facts may be related to any person, place, activity or things.
Q:- What is Information?
Ans: Information is the processed or organized form of data.
Q:- In what forms can data be stored?
Ans: Data can be stored in the form of text, graphics, audio, or video.
Q:- Give two examples of data.
Ans:- Marks scored by students and employee names.
Q:- What is the difference between data and information?
Ans:- Data is raw, unprocessed facts, while information is processed, organized, and meaningful data.
Q:- What is the report card an example of?
Ans:- A report card is an example of information.
Q:- Name two examples of information used in businesses.
Ans:- Account returns and schedules.
Q:- What is a database?
Ans:- A database is a collection of logically related data items stored in an organized manner.
Q:- What operations can be performed on data in a database?
Ans:- Data can be added, modified, deleted, or displayed.
Q:- What does DBMS stand for?
Ans:- DBMS stands for Database Management System.
Q:- Name any two examples of DBMS.
Ans:- MS Access and MySQL.
Q:- What helps in managing a database electronically?
Ans:- A Database Management System (DBMS).
Q:- What is data redundancy?
Ans:- Data redundancy is the repetition of the same data field in multiple tables.
Q:- How does a DBMS ensure data consistency?
Ans:- By minimizing data redundancy, reducing chances of inconsistent data being stored.
Q:- Write the 5 advantages of DBMS.
Ans:- Organised Storage, Data Analysis, Data Sharing, Minimal Data Redundancy, Data Consistency, Increases Accuracy, Security
Q:- What is a data model?
Ans:- A data model describes the manner in which data will be stored and retrieved.
Q:- What are the components of a data model?
Ans:- Components for describing data, relationships among them, and constraints that hold data.
Q:- Name three types of data models.
Ans:- Hierarchical data model, network data model, and relational data model.
Q:- What is the relational data model based on?
Ans:- It is based on setting relationships between two or more tables of the same database.
Q:- Who proposed the Relational Database Model?
Ans:- E. F. Codd proposed the Relational Database Model in 1970.
Q:- What is an entity in a database?
Ans:- An entity is a real-world object about which information is stored in a database.
Q:- What are attributes in a database?
Ans:- Attributes are details associated with an entity, represented as columns in a table.
Q:- What is a table in RDBMS?
Ans:- A table is a collection of logically related records organized as columns and rows.
Q:- What is a field in a database?
Ans:- A field is the smallest entity in a database, representing individual record characteristics.
Q:- What are data values?
Ans:- Data values are raw data represented in numeric, character, or alphanumeric form.
Q:- What is a record in a table?
Ans:- A record is a collection of data values for all fields related to a person or object, presented as a row.
Q:- What is a primary key?
Ans:- A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies a row in a table.
Q:- What is a foreign key?
Ans:- A foreign key is a field in one table that uniquely identifies records in another table, creating a relationship between them.
Q:- What is an alternate key?
Ans:- An alternate key is a candidate key that is not chosen as the primary key.
Q:- What is a candidate key?
Ans:- A candidate key is a field or combination of fields eligible to be the primary key in a table.
Q:- What is a composite key?
Ans:- A composite key is formed by using more than one field to uniquely identify a record in a table.
Q:- Can a primary key have duplicate values?
Ans:- No, a primary key cannot have duplicate values.
Q:- What is the purpose of a foreign key?
Ans:- A foreign key helps to build a relationship between two tables.
Q:- What is an object in a database?
Ans:- An object in a database is a structure or feature used to store, represent, or retrieve data.
Q:- What is the basic unit of any DBMS?
Ans:- The table is the basic unit of any DBMS.
Q:- What is Table?
Ans:- A table is the basic unit of any DBMS. The data is first stored in tables in row and column format.
Q:- How is data stored in a table?
Ans:- Data is stored in a table in rows and columns.
Q:- What does a column in a table represent?
Ans:- A column represents a field or an attribute.
Q:- What does a row in a table represent?
Ans:- A row represents a record.
Q:- What is the purpose of a form in a database?
Ans:- A form is used to enter data into a table in an easy and user-friendly manner.
Q:- Name any two elements that can be part of a form.
Ans:- Text boxes and check boxes.
Q:- What is a query in a database?
Ans:- A query is used to retrieve the desired information from the database.
Q:- What is the output of a query called?
Ans:- The output of a query is displayed in the form of reports.
Q:- When would you use the Reports feature in RDBMS?
Ans:- The Reports feature is used to present data in a formal and proper layout.
Q:- What is LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- LibreOffice Base is a free and open-source DBMS.
Q:- From where can LibreOffice Base be downloaded?
Ans:- It can be downloaded from
Q:- Which operating systems support LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- It is available for both Linux and Windows.
Q:- What is the maximum text length that the Memo data type can store?
Ans:- Up to 64,000 characters.
Q:- Which data type is used to store fixed-length text?
Ans:- CHAR (Text (fix)).
Q:- What is the signed range of the SMALLINT data type?
Ans:- -32,768 to 32,768.
Q:- Which data type is used to store monetary values?
Ans:- Currency data type.
Q:- Give an example of the Date data type.
Ans:- 12/25/2019 or 08:45 AM.
Q:- What are the two possible values in the Boolean data type?
Ans:- True or False.
Q:- What kind of data does the Binary data type store?
Ans:- Digitized images and sounds.
Q:- How many ways to create a table in Libreoffice Base
Ans:- A table in LibreOffice Base can be created using a wizard or using the Design view.
Q:- How to create a table using a wizard in LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- Go to “Create Table using Wizard”, select fields, set data types, define primary key, and click “Finish”.
Q:- How to create a table in Design View in LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- Click on “Create Table in Design View”, define field names, data types, set properties, and save the table.
Q:- How to save a table in LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- Click “File” > “Save” or press Ctrl + S, then enter the table name and click “OK”.
Q:- How to sort data in a table in LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- Open the table, select the column, then click on the “Sort Ascending” or “Sort Descending” button.
Q:- How can we define a primary key in a table?
Ans:- In Design View, right-click the field, choose “Primary Key”, and a key icon will appear.
Q:- Write steps to sort the table in descending order of the primary key.
Ans:- Open the table, click on the primary key column, then click the “Sort Descending” button.
Q:- Differentiate between Memo and Varchar data types.
Ans:- Memo: Stores large text (up to 64,000 characters).
Varchar: Stores variable-length text with a specified limit.
Q:- Differentiate between Number and Decimal data types.
Ans:- Number: General numeric data with unlimited range.
Decimal: Stores precise decimal values, suitable for calculations.
Q:- Differentiate between Design View and Datasheet View of a table.
Ans:- Design View: Used to define table structure, field names, and data types.
Datasheet View: Used to enter, edit, and view data in rows and columns.
Q:- What is the shortcut key to save a table in LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- Ctrl + S.
Q:- What are the three types of relationships in a relational database?
Ans:- One-to-One, One-to-Many, and Many-to-Many.
Q:- What is a One-to-One relationship?
Ans:- A relationship where one record in a table corresponds to exactly one record in another table.
Q:- What is a One-to-Many relationship?
Ans:- A relationship where one record in the master table relates to multiple records in the transaction table.
Q:- What is a Many-to-Many relationship?
Ans:- A relationship where multiple records in one table relate to multiple records in another table.
Q:- On what basis is the type of relationship between two tables determined?
Ans:- Based on the number of records in the transaction table corresponding to the master table.
Q:- What is one advantage of relating tables in a database?
Ans:- It helps prevent data redundancy.
Q:- What is referential integrity?
Ans:- It ensures that deleted data does not get out of sync between related tables.
Q:- How does relating tables prevent invalid data entry?
Ans:- By restricting users from entering invalid data in referenced fields.
Q:- What happens when data is updated in the master table?
Ans:- The changes are automatically reflected in the transaction tables.
Q:- What is the default option in LibreOffice Base for maintaining referential integrity?
Ans:- No action.
Q:- What does the ‘Update cascade’ option do?
Ans:- It updates or deletes related records in transaction tables when the master record is updated or deleted.
Q:- What happens when the ‘Set NULL’ option is selected?
Ans:- It assigns a NULL value to all related fields if the master record is deleted or updated.
Q:- What does the ‘Set default’ option do?
Ans:- It assigns a fixed default value to all related fields if the master record is deleted or updated.
Q:- What is a query in a DBMS?
Ans:- A query is used to retrieve and display data from one or more tables in a database.
Q:- What is the purpose of a query?
Ans:- To view exact information based on specific search criteria.
Q:- Can a query be saved in LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- Yes, a query can be saved as an object in a database.
Q:- Why is saving a query useful?
Ans:- It allows the query to be run multiple times as needed.
Q:- How many ways can you create a query in LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- Three ways.
Q:- What are the three methods to create a query in LibreOffice Base?
Ans:- Using a Wizard, in Design View, and in SQL view.
Q:- What is a form in a database?
Ans:- A form is an object of the database with a user-friendly interface for data entry and modification.
Q:- What is the primary purpose of a form in a database?
Ans:- It serves as the front end for data entry and data modification.
Q:- What are the two main components of a field control in a form?
Ans:- A label and a field value text box.
Q:- Name two ways to create a form in LibreOffice Base.
Ans:- Using a wizard and using the Design View.