10th Class CBSE Information Technology | MCQ [English]

कक्षा 10वीं (Class 10th) के Information Technology (IT) या Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) विषय को आज के डिजिटल युग में अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है। यह विषय छात्रों को डिजिटल कौशल, कंप्यूटर उपयोग और व्यावसायिक कार्यक्षमता का एक मजबूत आधार प्रदान करता है।

IT/ITES के अंतर्गत CBSE बोर्ड ने पाठ्यक्रम को इस प्रकार डिज़ाइन किया है कि छात्र डिजिटल टूल्स, कंप्यूटर एप्लिकेशन और उद्योग के उपयोगी पहलुओं को सीख सकें।

आपके लिए विशेष सामग्री

हमने IT/ITES के लिए Sample Papers और हर अध्याय के लिए MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) तैयार किए हैं ताकि छात्र परीक्षा की तैयारी को और भी सटीक और प्रभावी बना सकें।

पाठ्यक्रम का संक्षिप्त परिचय

CBSE Class 10 IT/ITES के तहत निम्नलिखित प्रमुख विषयों को शामिल किया गया है:

  1. Basics of IT (सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी के मूल सिद्धांत):
    • IT के इतिहास, उपयोग और व्यावसायिक क्षेत्र में इसके अनुप्रयोग को समझना।
  2. Digital Documentation:
    • Word processing tools का उपयोग, डॉक्यूमेंट फॉर्मेटिंग, और रिपोर्ट बनाने की कला।
  3. Electronic Spreadsheet:
    • डेटा को व्यवस्थित और विश्लेषण करने के लिए स्प्रेडशीट सॉफ्टवेयर का उपयोग।
  4. Database Management System (DBMS):
    • डेटा स्टोरेज और प्रबंधन की प्रक्रिया।
  5. Web Applications and Security:
    • इंटरनेट का सुरक्षित उपयोग और वेब आधारित एप्लिकेशन की जानकारी।

पोस्ट में क्या शामिल है?

  • Chapter-Wise MCQs: हर चैप्टर के लिए 20+ MCQs।
  • Sample Papers: CBSE पैटर्न के अनुसार डिजाइन किए गए।
  • Quick Revision Notes: परीक्षा से पहले एक बार में पूरी रिवीजन के लिए।

यह पोस्ट उन सभी छात्रों के लिए है जो CBSE Class 10 IT/ITES की तैयारी कर रहे हैं। चाहे आप बोर्ड परीक्षा के लिए तैयारी कर रहे हों या विषय को बेहतर तरीके से समझना चाहते हों, ये सामग्री आपकी सफलता की राह आसान बनाएगी।

ally competent CPU.
a. MANb. WANc. Client Serverd. P2P
Answer: d. P2P


Question 1:
What is the primary purpose of using styles in a document?
a) To focus on the appearance of text only
b) To apply a single formatting option at a time
c) To apply a group of formats consistently and easily
d) To reduce the number of formatting options available

Answer: c) To apply a group of formats consistently and easily

Question 2:
Which of the following attributes does a Page Style control in OpenOffice.org?
a) Font size and alignment of paragraphs
b) Margins, headers, footers, borders, and backgrounds
c) Numbering and bullet styles for lists
d) Wrapping type and columns for text frames

Answer: b) Margins, headers, footers, borders, and backgrounds

Question 3:
What is the key benefit of using styles in a long document?
a) Styles make documents visually appealing.
b) Styles simplify and speed up major formatting changes.
c) Styles prevent the use of multiple fonts.
d) Styles improve document compatibility across software.

Answer: b) Styles simplify and speed up major formatting changes.

Question 4:
Which style type affects selected text within a paragraph, such as font size and bold formatting?
a) Paragraph styles
b) Character styles
c) Frame styles
d) Graphics styles

Answer: b) Character styles

Question 5:
In OpenOffice.org, which style type is used for formatting numbered or bulleted lists?
a) Paragraph styles
b) Cell styles
c) Numbering styles
d) Graphics styles

Answer: c) Numbering styles

Question 1:
Which of the following actions opens the Styles and Formatting window in OpenOffice.org?
a) Pressing F12
b) Clicking Format > Styles and Formatting
c) Pressing F11
d) Both b and c

Answer: d) Both b and c

Question 2:
What does the Styles and Formatting window display?
a) The formatting toolbar for text editing
b) The list of available styles for the current OpenOffice.org component
c) The document’s formatting history
d) Only paragraph styles

Answer: b) The list of available styles for the current OpenOffice.org component

Question 3:
How can you dock the Styles and Formatting window to an edge of the screen?
a) Drag it while holding the Alt key
b) Drag it while holding the Ctrl key
c) Drag it to the bottom of the screen
d) Right-click and select “Dock Window”

Answer: b) Drag it while holding the Ctrl key

Question 4:
What should you do to apply a character style?
a) Double-click the style name without selecting text
b) Select the text and double-click the style name
c) Hover over the paragraph and click
d) Press Esc and then select the style

Answer: b) Select the text and double-click the style name

Question 5:
What is the purpose of the Fill Format mode?
a) To edit the existing styles quickly
b) To apply a style to many scattered areas efficiently
c) To delete multiple styles at once
d) To format only character styles

Answer: b) To apply a style to many scattered areas efficiently

Question 6:
How do you activate the Fill Format mode?
a) Press F11 and select the mode
b) Click the Fill Format mode icon in the Styles and Formatting window
c) Double-click on a style name
d) Press the Esc key

Answer: b) Click the Fill Format mode icon in the Styles and Formatting window

Question 7:
What happens if you accidentally right-click while in Fill Format mode?
a) The application closes the document
b) The last Fill Format action is undone
c) The Fill Format mode is disabled
d) The document reverts to its default formatting

Answer: b) The last Fill Format action is undone

Question 8:
Which of the following steps is necessary to quit Fill Format mode?
a) Press the Enter key
b) Press the Esc key or click the Fill Format mode icon again
c) Right-click anywhere in the document
d) Select a new style

Answer: b) Press the Esc key or click the Fill Format mode icon again

Question 9:
When creating a new style from a selection, what is true about the new style?
a) It is saved in the template automatically
b) It applies only to the current document
c) It replaces existing styles
d) It is stored globally for all documents

Answer: b) It applies only to the current document

Question 10:
Which icon in the Styles and Formatting window is used to create a new style from a selection?
a) The Fill Format mode icon
b) The New Style from Selection icon
c) The Paragraph Style icon
d) The Page Style icon

Answer: b) The New Style from Selection icon

Question 1:
Which of the following steps is required to update a style from a selection?
a) Double-click on the style name in the Styles and Formatting window
b) Select the style and long-click on the arrow next to the New Style from Selection icon
c) Press F12 to update the style
d) Use the Fill Format mode

Answer: b) Select the style and long-click on the arrow next to the New Style from Selection icon

Question 2:
What is the purpose of the Load Styles feature in OpenOffice.org?
a) To apply multiple styles at once
b) To copy styles from a template or another document
c) To create new styles for global use
d) To delete existing styles

Answer: b) To copy styles from a template or another document

Question 3:
Where can you find the Load Styles option in the Styles and Formatting window?
a) By clicking on the Fill Format mode icon
b) By double-clicking on a style
c) By long-clicking the arrow next to the New Style from Selection icon
d) By right-clicking anywhere in the window

Answer: c) By long-clicking the arrow next to the New Style from Selection icon

Question 4:
What does the Overwrite option in the Load Styles dialog do?
a) Deletes all existing styles
b) Merges new styles with existing styles
c) Replaces existing styles with the same name
d) Creates a backup of the existing styles

Answer: c) Replaces existing styles with the same name

Question 5:
Which dialog appears when you choose Load Styles?
a) The Update Styles dialog
b) The Load Styles dialog
c) The New Style from Selection dialog
d) The Styles Manager dialog

Answer: b) The Load Styles dialog

Question 6:
What should you do to copy styles from another document?
a) Use the From File button in the Load Styles dialog
b) Select the New Document option in the Styles Manager
c) Drag and drop styles from one document to another
d) Save the document and reopen it

Answer: a) Use the From File button in the Load Styles dialog

Question 7:
When copying styles from a template, what can you select in the Load Styles dialog?
a) The file format of the template
b) The categories of styles to be copied
c) The page layout for the document
d) The font size of the styles

Answer: b) The categories of styles to be copied

Question 8:
What happens after you click OK in the Load Styles dialog?
a) The copied styles are automatically applied to the document
b) The styles are copied, but you do not see any change on the screen
c) A notification confirms the styles have been loaded
d) The document is automatically saved with the new styles

Answer: b) The styles are copied, but you do not see any change on the screen

Question 9:
Which icon is used to update a style from a selection?
a) The Fill Format mode icon
b) The New Style from Selection icon
c) The Update Styles icon
d) The Load Styles icon

Answer: b) The New Style from Selection icon

Question 10:
What is the purpose of the From File button in the Load Styles dialog?
a) To open a template for editing
b) To load styles from another document
c) To delete styles in the current document
d) To preview the styles from a template

Answer: b) To load styles from another document

Question 1:
Which method allows you to insert an image file into an Open Office document using a file browser?
a) Insert > Picture > Scan > Select Source
b) Drag and Drop
c) Tools > Gallery
d) File > Import

Answer: b) Drag and Drop

Question 2:
What happens if you hold down the Control+Shift keys while dragging an image into an Open Office document?
a) The image file is embedded.
b) The image file is linked instead of embedded.
c) The image file is converted to grayscale.
d) The image file is previewed before inserting.

Answer: b) The image file is linked instead of embedded.

Question 3:
Where can you find the option to insert an image from a file using the menu bar?
a) Insert > Picture > From File
b) File > Open > Image
c) Tools > Image Import
d) View > Picture Toolbar

Answer: a) Insert > Picture > From File

Question 4:
What feature in the Insert Picture dialog allows you to view a thumbnail of the selected image?
a) Link
b) Preview
c) Toolbar
d) Gallery

Answer: b) Preview

Question 5:
What must you do before inserting an image using the clipboard?
a) Open the Picture Toolbar
b) Close the source document
c) Copy the image to the clipboard
d) Open the Gallery

Answer: c) Copy the image to the clipboard

Question 6:
What is a potential risk when copying an image to the clipboard from another application?
a) The image may not be in grayscale.
b) The clipboard data might be lost if the application is closed.
c) The image file is always linked instead of embedded.
d) The image is automatically compressed.

Answer: b) The clipboard data might be lost if the application is closed.

Question 7:
How can you insert a scanned image into an Open Office document?
a) Insert > Picture > Scan > Select Source
b) Tools > Gallery > Import Image
c) File > Import > Scan
d) View > Toolbars > Picture

Answer: a) Insert > Picture > Scan > Select Source

Question 8:
Which tool provides a collection of reusable objects like graphics and sounds?
a) Picture Toolbar
b) Gallery
c) Clipboard
d) Insert Picture Dialog

Answer: b) Gallery

Question 9:
How do you open the Gallery in Open Office?
a) View > Toolbars > Gallery
b) Insert > Picture > From Gallery
c) Tools > Gallery
d) File > Open > Gallery

Answer: c) Tools > Gallery

Question 10:
What toolbar appears when an image is inserted or selected in an Open Office document?
a) Gallery Toolbar
b) Picture Toolbar
c) Insert Toolbar
d) Graphics Mode Toolbar

Answer: b) Picture Toolbar

Question 11:
What can you do with the Graphics mode option in Open Office?
a) Insert an image from the clipboard
b) Convert a color image to grayscale
c) Open the Gallery
d) Flip an image horizontally

Answer: b) Convert a color image to grayscale

Question 12:
Which toolbar allows you to flip an image vertically or horizontally?
a) Graphics Filter Toolbar
b) Picture Toolbar
c) Standard Toolbar
d) Color Toolbar

Answer: b) Picture Toolbar

Question 13:
What shortcut can you use to undo changes made to an image in Open Office?
a) Ctrl+C
b) Ctrl+Shift+S
c) Ctrl+Z
d) Alt+F4

Answer: c) Ctrl+Z

Question 14:
Which toolbar in Open Office allows you to adjust RGB components, brightness, contrast, and gamma?
a) Standard Toolbar
b) Color Toolbar
c) Picture Toolbar
d) Gallery Toolbar

Answer: b) Color Toolbar

Question 15:
What is the best way to understand the available filters for an image in Open Office?
a) Read the user manual.
b) Experiment with the filters and their settings.
c) Use only the default filter settings.
d) Disable the Picture Toolbar.

Answer: b) Experiment with the filters and their settings.

Question 1:
What does the Invert filter do to an image?
a) Softens the contrast of an image.
b) Inverts the color values of a color image or brightness values of a grayscale image.
c) Makes an image appear as a charcoal sketch.
d) Joins groups of pixels into a single color area.

Answer: b) Inverts the color values of a color image or brightness values of a grayscale image.

Question 2:
Which filter softens the contrast of an image?
a) Sharpen
b) Smooth
c) Remove Noise
d) Mosaic

Answer: b) Smooth

Question 3:
What is the effect of the Sharpen filter on an image?
a) Increases the contrast of an image.
b) Simulates the effects of time on a picture.
c) Makes the image appear like a painting.
d) Displays the image as a charcoal sketch.

Answer: a) Increases the contrast of an image.

Question 4:
What is the purpose of the Remove Noise filter?
a) Mimics the effects of too much light in a picture.
b) Softens the contrast of an image.
c) Removes single pixels from an image.
d) Reduces the number of colors used in a picture.

Answer: c) Removes single pixels from an image.

Question 5:
Which filter mimics the effects of excessive light in a picture?
a) Solarization
b) Posterize
c) Pop Art
d) Relief

Answer: a) Solarization

Question 6:
What does the Aging filter simulate?
a) A charcoal sketch effect.
b) The effects of time on a picture.
c) A mosaic effect.
d) The appearance of a painting.

Answer: b) The effects of time on a picture.

Question 7:
Which filter reduces the number of colors in a picture to make it look like a painting?
a) Posterize
b) Pop Art
c) Charcoal
d) Mosaic

Answer: a) Posterize

Question 8:
What is the result of applying the Pop Art filter?
a) Simulates aging on a picture.
b) Dramatically modifies the image.
c) Displays the image as a relief.
d) Reduces noise from the image.

Answer: b) Dramatically modifies the image.

Question 9:
How does the Charcoal filter affect an image?
a) Makes the image appear as a charcoal sketch.
b) Mimics the effects of aging on a picture.
c) Joins groups of pixels into one color area.
d) Adjusts the light source for a shadow effect.

Answer: a) Makes the image appear as a charcoal sketch.

Question 10:
Which filter creates a shadow and relief effect by adjusting the light source?
a) Solarization
b) Mosaic
c) Relief
d) Sharpen

Answer: c) Relief

Question 11:
What does the Mosaic filter do?
a) Softens the contrast of an image.
b) Joins groups of pixels into a single area of one color.
c) Mimics the effects of aging on a picture.
d) Reduces the number of colors used in an image.

Answer: b) Joins groups of pixels into a single area of one color.

Question 12:
Which filter requires a dialog box to adjust parameters for its effect?
a) Solarization
b) Posterize
c) Smooth
d) Remove Noise

Answer: a) Solarization

Question 13:
What type of effect does the Posterize filter achieve?
a) Displays the image as a charcoal sketch.
b) Mimics the effects of too much light.
c) Reduces the number of colors, making the picture look like a painting.
d) Adjusts the light source for shadow creation.

Answer: c) Reduces the number of colors, making the picture look like a painting.

Question 14:
Which filter can be applied multiple times to achieve a desired effect?
a) Invert
b) Aging
c) Charcoal
d) Mosaic

Answer: b) Aging

Question 15:
What is the primary purpose of the Relief filter?
a) To simulate the effects of aging.
b) To adjust the light source for creating shadow and relief effects.
c) To make an image appear as a mosaic.
d) To smooth the contrast of an image.

Answer: b) To adjust the light source for creating shadow and relief effects.

1. How can you start cropping an image in Writer?

A) Right-click the image and select “Resize”
B) Right-click the image and select “Picture”
C) Left-click the image and press Delete
D) Double-click the image to open the Crop page

Answer: B) Right-click the image and select “Picture”

2. What happens when the “Keep scale” option is selected while cropping an image?

A) The image will maintain its original size
B) The image will enlarge or shrink proportionally
C) The image will distort in shape
D) The image is cropped without changing its scale

Answer: D) The image is cropped without changing its scale

3. What does the “Keep image size” option do during cropping?

A) Cropping will change the scale of the image
B) Cropping keeps the original size of the image
C) Cropping will distort the image to maintain its size
D) The image will retain its original proportions

Answer: C) Cropping will distort the image to maintain its size

4. Which field in the Crop page allows you to control the amount of cropping from each side of the image?

A) Width and Height
B) Left, Right, Top, and Bottom
C) Scale
D) Picture Size

Answer: B) Left, Right, Top, and Bottom

5. How can you resize an image in Writer?

A) Click and drag any corner resizing handle
B) Right-click the image and select “Resize”
C) Double-click on the image
D) Resize only using the Crop page

Answer: A) Click and drag any corner resizing handle

6. What happens when you use Shift+Click while resizing an image?

A) It distorts the image to fit the required size
B) It maintains the original aspect ratio while resizing
C) It makes the image grow to its maximum size
D) It allows you to crop the image

Answer: B) It maintains the original aspect ratio while resizing

7. What is the recommended method to avoid blurring when resizing bit-mapped images?

A) Resize using the green handles
B) Resize the image externally before insertion
C) Use the Crop page for resizing
D) Use only the Width and Height fields

Answer: B) Resize the image externally before insertion

8. In the Crop page, how do you restore the image to its original size?

A) Press “Ctrl + Z”
B) Click the “Original size” button
C) Drag the resizing handles to the original dimensions
D) Right-click and select “Restore Size”

Answer: B) Click the “Original size” button

9. To rotate an image in Writer, which external application should be used?

A) Microsoft Paint
B) Draw or Impress
C) Google Docs
D) OpenOffice Calc

Answer: B) Draw or Impress

10. In the Type page of the Picture dialog box, which option allows toggling between percentage and actual dimension resizing?

A) Scale
B) Image Size
C) Relative
D) Keep ratio

Answer: C) Relative

1. What is a template in a document used for?

A) To save the document
B) To create other documents based on a predefined model
C) To insert a table of contents
D) To resize the document

Answer: B) To create other documents based on a predefined model

2. How do you create a template from an existing document?

A) Choose File > Templates > Create
B) Open the document and choose File > Templates > Save
C) Open the document and choose File > Save As Template
D) Right-click the document and select “Save as Template”

Answer: B) Open the document and choose File > Templates > Save

3. Which of the following is an option provided by the Fax Wizard?

A) Type of document
B) Document elements like date and salutation
C) Outline of the document
D) Table formatting

Answer: B) Document elements like date and salutation

4. What must you do before creating a table of contents in Writer?

A) Add page numbers to the document
B) Style the headings consistently (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3)
C) Insert the content in a specific order
D) Set the page layout

Answer: B) Style the headings consistently (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3)

5. Which menu option is used to insert a table of contents in Writer?

A) Insert > Table of Contents
B) Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables
C) File > Insert Table of Contents
D) Edit > Insert > Index/Table

Answer: B) Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables

6. In the Insert Index/Table dialog, which option allows you to select the document area to create the table from?

A) Type drop-down list
B) Create index/table
C) Create from area
D) Style drop-down list

Answer: C) Create from area

7. Which check box must be checked to create a table of contents from the outline in your document?

A) Index marks
B) Outline
C) Paragraph styles
D) Entire document

Answer: B) Outline

8. How can you apply a character style to an element in the table of contents?

A) Use the “Structure” line to select the element and then choose a style
B) Right-click the element and choose Apply Style
C) Use the Styles tab to apply the style
D) Select the element and press Ctrl+Shift+S

Answer: A) Use the “Structure” line to select the element and then choose a style

9. To apply the displayed structure and formatting to all outline levels in a table of contents, you should click which button?

A) Apply All
B) All
C) Structure
D) Format All

Answer: B) All

10. Which tab in the Insert Index/Table window allows you to apply paragraph styles to the table of contents?

A) Styles tab
B) Structure tab
C) Type tab
D) Create tab

Answer: A) Styles tab

11. How do you save a table of contents in your document after creating it?

A) Click Apply
B) Click OK
C) Click Save
D) Click Insert

Answer: B) Click OK

12. To edit an existing table of contents, what is the first step?

A) Double-click the table of contents
B) Right-click anywhere in the table of contents
C) Delete the table of contents
D) Open the “Edit” menu and choose Edit Table

Answer: B) Right-click anywhere in the table of contents

13. How do you update the table of contents after making changes in the document?

A) Manually update the table
B) Right-click and choose Update Index/Table
C) Reinsert the table of contents
D) Press F5 to refresh

Answer: B) Right-click and choose Update Index/Table

14. What happens when you delete the table of contents from a document?

A) The content of the document is deleted
B) The document is saved automatically
C) The table of contents is removed from the document
D) The entire document is removed

Answer: C) The table of contents is removed from the document

15. Which of the following can you create using a template wizard in Writer?

A) New document styles
B) Letters, faxes, and agendas
C) Tables of contents
D) Image templates

Answer: B) Letters, faxes, and agendas

1. What is the primary purpose of a mail merge?
a) To format text in a document
b) To send personalized documents to multiple recipients
c) To save a document in multiple formats
d) To translate a document into another language
Answer: b) To send personalized documents to multiple recipients

2. Which file format is required for saving a mail merge document in OpenOffice.org Writer?
a) .docx
b) .pdf
c) .odt
d) .txt
Answer: c) .odt

3. What is one common use of mail merge?
a) Creating presentations
b) Generating labels or envelopes with addresses
c) Writing code for automation
d) Designing graphics
Answer: b) Generating labels or envelopes with addresses

4. What is the first step in creating a mail merge document?
a) Open a spreadsheet file
b) Open a template or create a new document
c) Insert a header and footer
d) Save the document as a PDF
Answer: b) Open a template or create a new document

5. What must you do before using mail merge fields in a letter?
a) Enable macros
b) Create and save a data source
c) Print the document
d) Close the software
Answer: b) Create and save a data source

6. Which of the following is NOT a step in creating a mail merge document?
a) Writing the text to send to all recipients
b) Leaving space for personalized fields
c) Saving the document in PDF format
d) Saving the document in Writer format
Answer: c) Saving the document in PDF format

7. What command is used to create a database for mail merge in OpenOffice.org?
a) File > Save As
b) File > New > Database
c) Tools > Options
d) Edit > Create Template
Answer: b) File > New > Database

8. Why is it important to plan the fields while writing the letter?
a) To add formatting options later
b) To ensure correct placement of personalized data
c) To avoid saving the document
d) To create additional templates
Answer: b) To ensure correct placement of personalized data

9. Which of the following is an example of a mail merge field?
a) Firstname
b) Address Block
c) Years_of_Service
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

10. What happens if the document is saved in Word format instead of Writer format?
a) The mail merge will not work
b) The fields will automatically update
c) The document will not open
d) The database will not save
Answer: a) The mail merge will not work

11. What kind of data file can be used as a source for mail merge?
a) Spreadsheet
b) Database
c) Text file
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

12. In OpenOffice.org Writer, where do you create a data source?
a) Tools > Data Sources
b) File > New > Database
c) Format > Fields
d) Insert > Data
Answer: b) File > New > Database

13. Which of these is a middle-man file in the mail merge process?
a) Image file
b) Database file
c) Presentation file
d) Video file
Answer: b) Database file

14. What is the advantage of using mail merge?
a) It personalizes mass communication efficiently
b) It formats text automatically
c) It saves documents as templates
d) It prevents document duplication
Answer: a) It personalizes mass communication efficiently

15. What should be done after creating the data source for mail merge?
a) Create a new template
b) Write the text and insert the fields
c) Print the document immediately
d) Convert the document to a spreadsheet
Answer: b) Write the text and insert the fields

Scenarios Analysis

It refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find the values or data that you want formula to calculate.

  1. Row
  2. Column
  3. Autosum
  4. Cell reference

The process of collecting and integrating data from multiple sources (such as worksheets) into a single destination is known as Data _________ .

  1. Integration
  2. Consolidation
  3. Aggregation
  4. Summarization

Which of the following commands allows you to perform Data Consolidation?

  1. Data->Consolidate
  2. Tools->Data Consolidation
  3. File->New-> Data Consolidation
  4. Formula->Data consolidation

In calc, while performing data consolidation, of the same data range is selected from multiple worksheets, consolidation is done by _______________.

  1. Applying product function on selected ranges
  2. Applying  sum function on selected ranges
  3. Placing selected ranges one below another
  4. Placing selected ranges in adjacent columns

________ , totals/adds data arranged in an array that is a group of cells with labels for columns and/or row. Which step one must should follow before using the Subtotal option ?

  1. Consolidate
  2. Rename data
  3. Filter data
  4. Subtotal

In calc, while performing data consolidation, if different ranges are selected from multiple worksheets, consolidation is done by _______________.

  1. Applying product function on selected ranges
  2. Applying  sum function on selected ranges
  3. Placing selected ranges one below another
  4. Placing selected ranges in adjacent columns

To create subtotals in a worksheet, the field for subtotaling is specified through __________ option.

  1. Function
  2. Options
  3. Subtotal
  4. Group by

Which of the following is not a ‘what-if-analysis’ tool ?

  1. Scenario
  2. Track change
  3. Solver
  4. Goal Seek

The _________ is the process of changing the values in cells to see how these changes will affect the outcome of formulas on the worksheet.

  1. Subtotal
  2. What-if-analysis
  3. Scenario
  4. Goal seek

Scenarios are a tool to test questions .

  1. Auto
  2. Goal seek
  3. What-if
  4. Drop down

__________ is when you change one or more values in a spreadsheet and ten assess how those changes affect the calculated values.

  1. What-if analysis
  2. Track changes
  3. Save changes
  4. All of these

Which of the following is more elaborate form of goal seek?

  1. Subtotal
  2. Scenario
  3. Solver
  4. Consolidate

A _________ tool helps build a model wherein changes made in values are selected in the possible outcome based on a formula using these values.

  1. Subtotal
  2. What-if analysis
  3. Scenario
  4. Goal seek

A ______ tool is an analysis tool that calculates backwards to obtain an input that would yield a given output.

  1. Subtotal
  2. What-if analysis
  3. Scenario
  4. Goal seek
  5. __________ is a more elaborate form of goal seek and it deals with equations with multiple unknown variables.
  6. Solver
  7. What-if analysis
  8. Scenario
  9. Subtotal

Linking Spreadsheet Data

The default name for a newly inserted worksheet in a workbook is _________

  1. New sheet
  2. Sheet new
  3. Unnamed
  4. Sheet <n>

By default, sheets tab are present at the ________ of the spreadsheet.

  1. Top
  2. Bottom
  3. Center
  4. Right

The cell reference in a spreadsheet for cell range B2 to F15 is __________ .

  1. B2.F15
  2. B2;F15
  3. B2:F15
  4. B2-F15

Within a worksheet, a cell reference takes the form _________ .

  1. <Row><COL>
  2. <COL><ROW>
  3. <Sheetname.<col><Row>
  4. <Sheetname>.<Row><col>

Outside a worksheet, a cell reference takes the form ________ .

  1. <Row><COL>
  2. <COL><ROW>
  3. <Sheetname.<col><Row>
  4. <Sheetname>.<Row><col>

To refer to cell K5 of sheet MyData in another worksheet namely Final’s cell B3, what would you write :

  1. K5.MyData
  2. B3.Final
  3. MyData.K5
  4. Final.B3.MyData.K5
  5. Final.B3

__________ means combining data in a spreadsheet from different worksheets into master worksheet.

  1. Hyperlinks
  2. Consolidating
  3. Linking
  4. Filter

What is a document hyperlink ?

  1. A shortcut icon placed on the desktop of computer
  2. Copied document in a flash drive
  3. A link, clicking on which opens the linked document
  4. An address of a web page

To add a hyperlink inside a worksheet, linked to a document, one can use ______

  1. File ->New ->Hyperlink
  2. Insert ->Hyperlink
  3. Hyperlink icon on the standard toolbar
  4. All of these

A _______ hyperlink contains the full address of the destination file, work book or web page.

  1. Relative
  2. Absolute
  3. Mixed
  4. Address

A __________ hyperlink tells how to get this document from the current position.

  1. Relative
  2. Absolute
  3. Mixed
  4. All of these

The ______ hyperlinks tell the path to reach to a document starting from the top most position/folder.

  1. Relative
  2. Absolute
  3. Mixed
  4. All of these

Whenever you display a link a open office calc, it is always in ________ form.

  1. Relative
  2. Absolute
  3. Mixed
  4. All of these

An  ________ link will stop working only if the target is moved while a ______ link will stop working only of the start and target locations change relative to each other.

  1. Absolute, fixed
  2. Relative, absolute
  3. Absolute, relative
  4. Permanent, absolute

In calc, the registered data sources are the databases that are compatible with :

  1. *.txt
  2. *.odt
  3. *.sql
  4. *.odb

To link some components of an HTML page in Open Office Calc, you should use _______ command.

  1. Insert -> Hyperlink
  2. Insert -> Cells
  3. Insert -> Link to External data
  4. None of these
  5. A(n) _Relative_hyperlink points to the path to reach a document from current location.
  6. A(n) _Absolute_hyperlink points to the path to reach a document from Topmost location.
  7. Calc always displays a hyperlink in _Absolute_ form.

Share and Review a Spreadsheet

When multiple users can view, edit and review the changes made in a document, it is known as ________ of a document.

  1. Multiusage
  2. Workload
  3. Multiprogramming
  4. Sharing

Multiple users are working on same spreadsheet and are able to view the changes made in it. This working mode is known as __________ in Calc.

  1. View mode
  2. Change mode
  3. Shared mode
  4. Record changes mode

To activate sharing and collaboration features for a document, _______ command maybe used in Open Office Calc.

  1. Tools -> Options
  2. Tools -> Share document
  3. Tools -> Merge document
  4. Tools -> Protect Document

______ is a specific editing mode wherein it is possible to make temporary changes in a document, which can later be made permanent by accepting or rejecting the changes.

  1. Recording of changes
  2. Storing of changes
  3. Logging of changes
  4. None of these

Making changes temporarily in a document so as to confirm them later by reviewing them. This working mode is known as ______ in Calc.

  1. View mode
  2. Change mode
  3. Shared mode
  4. Record changes mode

The command to enable recording of changes in a worksheet in Open Office Calc is _________

  1. Edit->Changes-Accept or reject
  2. Edit->Changes->Show
  3. Edit->changes-Record
  4. Record->Changes-Edit

The descriptions about the changes made in cells are available through _______

  1. Descriptive list
  3. Position
  4. None of these

The option/feature of Open office calc that allows to find changes in documents without the Recording of changes is ______

  1. Check document
  2. Search document
  3. Magnifier mode
  4. Compare document

The changes made by multiple users are finally stored or ignored in a document when ______ action takes place.

  1. Accept
  2. Accept all
  3. Reject
  4. Reject all
  5. All of the above

In order to view the changes made in the document (all accepted and rejected changes), _____ dialog of Open Office Calc should be opened.

  1. Changes
  2. Show changes
  3. Accept or reject changes
  4. None of these

Macros in Spreadsheet

A _____ is a saved, named sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for later use.

  1. Workbook
  2. Spreadsheet
  3. Macro
  4. Hyperlink

You can create/run macros in Calc using _____ menu.

  1. Insert
  2. Data
  3. Format
  4. Tools

As you record a macro, calc converts your keystrokes into :

  1. Formulas
  2. Hyperlinks
  3. Internal code
  4. Shortcuts

When you record a macro, its tasks/keystrokes are stored in code, inside ___ and ____ clauses.

  1. Macro, end macro
  2. Sub, end sub
  3. Functions, end function
  4. Task, end task

The submenu used to work with macros in open office calc is available through command _____

  1. Insert ->Macros
  2. Tools -> Macro
  3. Data -> macros
  4. Edit -> macros

A macro can be made to run as a _____ by using edit option  in open office basic macros dialog.

  1. File
  2. Range
  3. Style
  4. Function

In order to use a macro as a function, it must be stored in code, inside ____ and ____ clauses.

  1. Macro, end macro
  2. Sub, end sub
  3. Function, end function
  4. Task, end task
  5. By default, the code generated for each macro is stored inside ____ and _____ clauses.
  6. Macro, end macro
  7. Sub, end sub
  8. Function, end function

The values passed to a macro are called ________ .

  1. Values
  2. Work values
  3. Arguments
  4. Data values

Introducing Databases

Computer based record keeping system is known as

  1. CRKS – Computerized record keeping system
  2. DBMS – Data base Management System
  3. DMS – Data Management System
  4. All of these

Duplication of data is known as

  1. Data redundancy
  2. Data repentance
  3. Data inconsistency
  4. None of these

Multiple copies of same data that mismatch, are known as

  1. Data redundancy
  2. Data repentance
  3. Data inconsistency
  4. None of these

A storage container storing data pertaining to simple object, subject or purpose is known as

  1. Table
  2. Query
  3. Report
  4. Form

A field that uniquely identifies records in the table is known as

  1. Primary key
  2. Candidate key
  3. Unique key
  4. Special key

A statement that gives you filtered data according to your conditions and specifications, is called

  1. Table
  2. Query
  3. Report
  4. Form

An interface in user-defined layout that lets users view, enter or change data in tables, known as

  1. Table
  2. Query
  3. Report
  4. Form

A formal, presentable printed document that lists data in formatted way is known as

  1. Table
  2. Query
  3. Report
  4. Form

Named collection of fields, which represent a complete unit of information is called

  1. Field
  2. Record
  3. Table
  4. None of these

A row in a table is also known as :

  1. A record
  2. A field
  3. A data type
  4. A tuple

Which of the following holds a single price of data?

  1. Table
  2. Record
  3. Field
  4. Form

What is the correct definition of primary key ?

  1. The first field in a table.
  2. A field that contains unique data in each record.
  3. The field which we will use to search with.
  4. A field which contains numbers only.

What is the correct definition of foreign key?

  1. The common field of two tables.
  2. A field that contains unique data in each record
  3. The field same as primary key
  4. A field that stores values coming from primary key of another table.

When a primary key contains more than one field, it is known as _____

  1. Alternate key
  2. Candidate key
  3. Foreign key
  4. Composite key

What is used to uniquely identify each record in a table ?

  1. Foreign key
  2. Field
  3. Data type
  4. Primary key

Which is not true for a database file ?

  1. Each record may contain several fields
  2. Fields are organized in columns
  3. Data types have to be declared in advance
  4. Each field may contain several records

While designing a database, we should keep in mind

  1. Purpose of database
  2. Tables required
  3. Field needed
  4. All of them

What are the main building blocks of a database?

  1. Lists
  2. Queries
  3. Tables
  4. Reports

Which of the following describes a relational database?

  1. It provides a relationship between integers.
  2. It consists of separate tables of related data.
  3. It retrieves data related to its queries.
  4. It can print reports.

Data should be organized into tables based on :

  1. Field properties
  2. Subjects associated with the real-data
  3. Character lengths
  4. All of these

Which of the following best describes a query?

  1. A query enables people to enter or view data in your database easily.
  2. A query summarizes and prints data.
  3. A query filters data from a database based on a criteria.
  4. All of these

Which of the following best describes a form ?

  1. A form enables people to enter or view data in a database easily.
  2. A form summarizes and prints data.
  3. A form filters data from a database based on a criteria.
  4. All of these.

Which of the following best describes a report ?

  1. A form enables people to enter or view data in a database easily.
  2. A form summarizes and prints data.
  3. A form filters data from a database based on a criteria.
  4. All of these.

A database table should always contain

  1. Images
  2. Lots of records
  3. Lots of ready made queries
  4. A key field

Data in a database is stored in a

  1. Table
  2. Query
  3. Report
  4. Search

A collection of data which is stored in a logical structure is known as a

  1. Field
  2. Database
  3. Record
  4. Table

One piece of data about a single person or thing is known as a

  1. Record
  2. File
  3. Field
  4. Database

All of the information about one person or one thing is known as a

  1. Database
  2. Field
  3. File
  4. Record

A collection of records on a particular topic is stored as a

  1. Table
  2. Record
  3. Folder
  4. Field

To find a particular record or set of records in a database you would use a

  1. Query
  2. Report
  3. Table
  4. Relationship

Creating Database and Tables

OOs BASE is an example of

  1. Air base
  2. Military base
  3. Database component
  4. None of these

What method can you use to add a new table to your database in  OOo Base?

  1. Use design view to create a table.
  2. Create table through table wizard
  3. Enter data directly in a blank sheet and save it as table
  4. All of above

A Base database is made up of all the following components EXCEPT:

  1. Tables
  2. Queries
  3. Forms
  4. Formula bars

Which of the following fields would not  make a suitable primary key ?

  1. A customers account number
  2. A date field
  3. An autonumber field
  4. A student admission number

The default extension of OOo BASE database is _______

  1. Oob
  2. Base
  3. Odb
  4. Dbo

The shortcut key to create a new database is _______ .

  1. Ctrl+N
  2. Ctrl+O
  3. Ctrl+A
  4. Ctrl+D

The shortcut key to open an existing database is ______ .

  1. Ctrl+N
  2. Ctrl+O
  3. Ctrl+A
  4. Ctrl+D

A table is set of data elements that is organized using a model of certical ____ ad horizontal ______ .

  1. Rows, tables
  2. Columns, rows
  3. Rows, columns
  4. Forms, reports

____ specifies the type of data that may be stored in a field.

  1. Auto save
  2. Auto value
  3. Field type
  4. Entry

After opening a database, you can create tables interactively using ______ .

  1. Tables tab
  2. Tools menu
  3. Edit menu
  4. Table wizard

Database servers are referred to as _____

  1. Frond-ends
  2. Back-ends
  3. Clients
  4. Model

Creating / Editing Tables in Design View

What method can you use to add a new table to your database in OOo Base ?

  1. Use Design view to create a table
  2. Create table through table wizard
  3. Enter data directly in a blank sheet and save it as table
  4. All the above
  5. (a) and (b)

Which of the following is/are not part(s) of table structure in OOo Base?

  1. Field name
  2. Field type
  3. Length
  4. Primary key
  5. Size of table
  6. Number of records

Which of the following represent Text field type categories in OOo Base?

  1. CHAR
  4. All these

When you save a BASE database, what file format do you use ?

  1. .adp
  2. .xml
  3. .mdb
  4. .odb

The legal empty value in BASE database is termed as

  1. Hollow
  2. Empty
  3. Void
  4. Null

TIMESTAMP belongs to _____ field type in BASE.

  1. Integer
  2. Time
  3. Data/time
  4. Text

Which of the following is are not a BASE field type ?

  1. Tiny/INT
  2. Percent
  3. Double
  4. BigDouble

Which of the following field types can represent upto 5 digits numbers?

  1. Integer (INT)
  2. Real
  3. Small Integer (SMALLINT)
  4. Float

Which of the following field types cannot allow integers or numbers or text in them ?

  1. Yes/no
  2. Image
  3. Binary
  4. All of the above
  5. None of these

Which of the following field properties ensure that “data cannot be skipped in the field” or field cannot be left empty”?

  1. Format
  2. Entry required
  3. Default value
  4. Length

A BASE database is made up of all the following components EXCEPT :

  1. Tables
  2. Queries
  3. Forms
  4. Formula bars

Suppose you’d like to set up a table in BASE to monitor your growing collection of DVDs. In that table, each DVD will be entered as a :

  1. Record
  2. Long integer
  3. Column
  4. Field

When you define a field for a table, which of the following parameters does BASE always consider optional ?

  1. Field name
  2. Data type
  3. Description
  4. Field size

The number 487.52 should have a field size of :

  1. Tiny integer
  2. Small integer
  3. Integer
  4. Big integer

The organizing of data according to text, number, currency, date/time, etc is called

  1. Data
  2. Type
  3. Date type
  4. Data structure

What identifies the contents of a field ?

  1. Data
  2. Field value
  3. Field name
  4. Table name

Out of the following which one is most appropriate data field in context of employee table if only one of these is required?

  1. Age in years
  2. Date of birth
  3. Age in days
  4. Age in months

What data type should you choose for a zip code field in a table?

  1. Text
  2. Number
  3. Varchar
  4. All of the above

Which of the following fields would not make a suitable primary key ?

  1. A customers account number
  2. A date field
  3. An auto Number field
  4. A student admission number

What is the purpose of the description column in Table Design View ?

  1. To describe the data that should be entered in each field
  2. To define the data type applied to each field within the table.
  3. To enter lookup data that the field should refer to
  4. None of the above

The _______ of a table is used to modify the design of a table, like modifying the name of a field or chaning the data type of field.

  1. Datasheet view
  2. Design view
  3. Table view
  4. Wizard view

You can select multiple fields of a table in design view by using the  _______ key.

  1. Alt
  2. Spacebar
  3. Shift
  4. Ctrl

In the datasheet view of the student table, the student address field needs to be displayed as address. Which field property can be used to achieve this ?

  1. Caption
  2. Required
  3. Validation rule
  4. Default

______ data type stores date and time values between the years 100 through 9999.

  1. Date
  2. Time
  3. Date/time
  4. Memo

Performing Operations on Tables

To add a new record, you can use insert -> ______ command.

  1. Value
  2. Data
  3. Record
  4. Row

To delete a record, you can use Edit -> command.

  1. Record
  2. Delete
  3. Data
  4. Row

The process of arranging records in order by one or more fields is known as _____ .

  1. Sorting
  2. Linking
  3. Ordering
  4. Editing

The sort _____ tool is used to sort the records by the current field in order from A-Z or lowest number to highest number.

  1. Ascending
  2. Increasing
  3. Descending
  4. Decreasing

The sort _____ tool is used to sort the records by the current field in order from Z-A or highest number to lowest number.

  1. Ascending
  2. Increasing
  3. Descending
  4. Decreasing

A _______ is a link between two tables.

  1. Field
  2. Key
  3. Relationship
  4. None of these

A _____ relationship is where a single record of a table are related

  1. One-to many
  2. Many-to-one
  3. One-to-one
  4. Many-to-many

A ______ relationship is where multiple records of a table are related to a single record of another table.

  1. One-to many
  2. Many-to-one
  3. One-to-one
  4. Many-to-many

A _____ relationship is where a single record of a table is related to multiple records of another table.

  1. One-to many
  2. Many-to-one
  3. One-to-one
  4. Many-to-many

Queries in BASE

A database _______ is a stored object that extracts data from a database as per a condition and presents it in a readable, formatted form.

  1. Form
  2. Query
  3. Report
  4. Link

A ______ retrieves records from one or more tables and then displays the result in a formatted readable form.

  1. Form
  2. Table
  3. Query
  4. Report

To create a query interactively in OOo BASE,  _____ may be used.

  1. Queries tab
  2. Tools menu
  3. Query wizard
  4. Design view

A query condition contains _______ .

  1. Field
  2. Value
  3. Condition
  4. (a) , (b) and (c)

To create a query based on multiple tables, ______ may be used.

  1. Queries tab
  2. Tools menu
  3. Query wizard
  4. Design view

While creating a query, _____ expression will select all the fields from the table Marks.

  1. All.marks
  2. Marks. All
  3. Marks. Full
  4. Marks.*

_____ functions produce a single value from a set of values.

  1. Row
  2. Aggregate
  3. Final
  4. Summary

In a summary query, records are summarized on the basis of a _______ .

  1. Primary key
  2. Sort-field
  3. Group-field
  4. Foreign key

Structured Query Language

SQL is a standard language for ___________

  1. Creating web pages
  2. Accessing databases
  3. Creating frond ends
  4. None of these

SQL to access and manipulate data in which of the following databases?

  1. MS access
  2. MySQL
  3. OO Base
  4. Oracle
  5. All of these

SQL stands for _________

  1. Structured query language
  2. Simple query language
  3. Standard query language
  4. None of these

Which of the following is not a part of SQL

  1. DDL
  2. DML
  3. DCL
  4. None of these

______ statement is used to retrieve records in a database.

  1. Alter
  2. Update
  3. Select
  4. Create

In existing table, ALTER TABLE statement is used to

  1. Add columns
  2. Modify columns
  3. Delete columns
  4. All of the above

Which statement is wrong about Primary Key constraint in SQL?

  1. The Primary Key uniquely identifies each record in a SQL database table.
  2. Primary key can be made based on multiple columns
  3. Primary key must be made of any single columns
  4. Primary key must contain UNIQUE values.

Which is/are correct statements about primary key of a table ?

  1. Primary keys can contain NULL values
  2. Primary keys cannot contain NULL values
  3. A table can have only one primary key with single or multiple fields.
  4. A table can have multiple primary keys with single or multiple fields.

Key to form relationship between tables is called

  1. Primary key
  2. Secondary key
  3. Foreign key
  4. None of these

To get records on the basis of a condition, which clause is used with SELECT ?

  1. Group
  2. Query
  3. Where
  4. Filter

SQL query to delete all rows in a table without deleting the table (structure, attributes and indexes)

  1. Delete from table_name
  2. Delete table table_name
  3. Drop table table_name
  4. None

To delete a particular column in a relation the command used is :

  1. Update
  2. DROP
  3. Alter
  4. Delete

which of the following is not a DDL statement?

  3. DROP
  4. ALTER

Which of the following is not DML statement?

  4. ALTER

Form Wizard

______ are the objects that are used to get data from user in interactive manner through a user-friendly interface.

  1. Tables
  2. Forms
  3. Queries
  4. Reports

What is a database form?

  1. A printed database report.
  2. A window with data entry fields that match the fields in a database.
  3. A database table containing fields that can be edited.
  4. A database component that finds records based on specific search criteria.

Which object is used to create a form?

  1. Tables only
  2. Tables and reports
  3. Queries and reports
  4. Tables and queries

_______ is an interactive tool for creating forms through steps arranged on multiple screens.

  1. Table wizard
  2. Forms tab
  3. Forms wizard
  4. Tools menu

Which of the following tasks cannot be done using a Form?

  1. Inserting a record
  2. Deleting a record
  3. Inserting a field
  4. Searching a record

A form can be used for _____ operations on records of a table.

  1. Insert
  2. Delete
  3. Search
  4. All of the above

Which of the following properties may be set/edited for field boxes in a form?

  1. Enabled
  2. Visible
  3. Alignment
  4. All of the above
  5. None of these

Report Wizard

A database _______ si the formatted representation of data in various database objects like tables and queries.

  1. Forms
  2. SQL Query
  3. Report
  4. None of these

To create a report in an interactive manner, ____ may be used.

  1. Table wizard
  2. Form wizard
  3. Reports tab
  4. Report wizard

Which of these can be specified while creating a report in Report Wizard ?

  1. Grouping of data
  2. Choosing layout
  3. Sorting of data
  4. All of the above
  • Reports are an easy way to represent data in a formatted way.
  • You can create reports from one or more tables – TRUE
  • Forms are easier way to get data from user and store in tables.
  • Referential Integrity is a rule states that every foreign key value must match the primary key value of a record in another table, or must be null.
  • In a one-to-many relationship, the Primary key field is in the one side of the relationship.
  • In a one-to-many relationship, the Foreign key field is in the many side of the relationship.
  • The relationship window is used to create, view, and edit relationships.
  • The type that dictates what sort of data can be stored within a field is known as Data Type .
  • A field that uniquely identifies each record is called Primary Key .
  • To store an object like image, you need to create a field in table, having field type as Image.
  • In a text type data field we can put maximum 255 characters
  • To organize the different tables of related data, a relational  Database is used.
  • To display data in a specific format or distribute a summary of data, reports are created.
  • To get data input from user in a well-organized, formatted way on screen, Forms are used.
  • In the database view of relational database, a row of information is called a Record
  • To control how information is entered into a database, programmers and database administrations create Forms to help ensure data integrity.
  • In a relational database, a common field that links two tables in relationship but not a primary key is called a foreign key
  • The database use common fields to create links between tables. Thus such databases are called a relational databases.
  • Primary key is used to uniquely identify the record in a table.
  • Database is a collection of related information.


1. When you apply a ____________, you apply a group of formatting effects together in one single step.
b. Style

2. Which function cannot be performed through Subtotal in a Spreadsheet?
b. Product

3. In a document, __________ refers to the vertical or horizontal placement of a graphic in relation to the chosen anchor point.
c. Alignment

4. A_________ is a model that you use to create other documents.
a. Template

5. _________________ styles in a text document affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the font and size of text, or bold and italic formats.
d. Character

6. To repeat the graphic across the entire background area, we need to select option in word processor.
a. Tile

7. Scenarios are a tool to test questions.
c. What-if

8. ___________ is particularly useful when creating a watermark or when wrapping the image in the background in a document.
a. Transparency

9. It refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find the values or data that you want formula to calculate.
d. Cell Reference

10. __________, totals/adds data arranged in an array—that is, a group of cells with labels for columns and/or rows Which step one must follow before using the Subtotal option?
c. Filter Data

11. A ______ hyperlink contains the full address of the destination file or web page.
b. Absolute

12. Which of the following is more elaborate form of Goal Seek?
c. Solver

13. _________ means combining data in a spreadsheet from different worksheets into a master worksheet.
b. Consolidating

14. An __________ link will stop working only if the target is moved while a__________ link will stop working only if the start and target locations change relative to each other.
c. absolute, relative

15. Database servers are referred to as _______________.
b. Back-ends

16. A table is a set of data elements that is organized using a model of vertical ___________ and horizontal ____________.
b. Columns, Rows

17. _______________ include fonts, alignment, borders, background, number formats (for example, currency, date, number), and cell protection in document.
a. Cell Style

18. By default, sheets tab are present at the __________ of the spreadsheet.
b. Bottom

19. The cell reference in a spreadsheet for cell range B2 to F15 is _____________.
c. B2:F15

20. ____________ controls how graphics are stacked upon each other or relative to the text.
a. Arrangement


Q.1 Give any one quality of a successful entrepreneur.
A.1 Innovation is one of the qualities of a successful entrepreneur.

Q.2 Name the term used for a false belief or opinion about something.
A.2 The term is “Misconception.”

Q.3 Give any one practice/sustainable process that is being used to help preserve the environment.
A.3 Recycling is a sustainable process used to help preserve the environment.

Q.4 Give an example of large-scale production of solar power in India.
A.4 The Bhadla Solar Park in Rajasthan is an example of large-scale production of solar power in India.

Q.5 Explain any two functions of an entrepreneur.

  1. Innovation: Entrepreneurs develop new ideas, products, and services to meet market demands.
  2. Risk Management: Entrepreneurs assume financial and operational risks to establish and grow their business.

Q.6 ‘Reduced Inequalities’ is one of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN. Give any two ways to reduce inequalities.

  1. Providing equal access to education and skill development programs.
  2. Ensuring fair wages and employment opportunities for all, irrespective of gender or background.

Q.7 Name the device that converts digital signals to analog that can travel over phone lines.
A.7 The device is a “Modem.”

Q.8 ______ key is an accessibility function which is designed for people who have vision impairment or cognitive disabilities.
A.8 Sticky Keys is an accessibility function designed for people with vision impairment or cognitive disabilities.

Q.9 Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks, providing services to other computers (in the network) are called ______ networks.
A.9 These are called “Client-Server Networks.”

Q.10 Mention any two integer data types of a table field in a database.
A.10 SMALLINT and INT are two integer data types of a table field in a database.

Q.11 Name the relationship in which one column of the primary key table is associated with all the columns of the associated table and vice versa.
A.11 The relationship is called a “One-to-One Relationship.”

Q.12 Define Reports of a database.
A.12 Reports in a database are structured presentations of data extracted from tables or queries, formatted for analysis or sharing.

i. ______________ operating system enables multiple users to work on the same computer at different times or simultaneously.
a. Multiprogrammingb. Multiprocessorsc. Multi-userd. Multi-tasking
Answer: c. Multi-user

ii. ___________ is a series of postures and breathing exercises practiced to achieve control of body and mind.
a. Meditationb. Nature Walkc. Yogad. Physical Exercise
Answer: c. Yoga

iii. From the following statements, which one is not correct about the qualities of an entrepreneur?
a. Successful entrepreneurs adapt the habit of hard work from a very early stage.b. Entrepreneur should not think optimistically about the future of the business.c. Confident entrepreneur must not deviate from his/her decisions too early in case success is delayed.d. Entrepreneurs like to function at their own will and rules.
Answer: b. Entrepreneur should not think optimistically about the future of the business.

iv. To remove the files of the temporary folder, we type _____________ in the Run dialog box after pressing “Windows button + R” on the keyboard.
a. #temp#b. %temp%c. e$temp%d. &temp&
Answer: b. %temp%

v. __________ is not the quality of self-confident people.
a. Dependentb. Hard Workingc. Positive Attituded. Commitment
Answer: a. Dependent

vi. From the following statements, which one is not the positive impact of Entrepreneurship on society?
a. Stimulates Innovation and Efficiencyb. Creates Jobs and Employment Opportunitiesc. Solves the problems of the societyd. Discourages welfare of the society
Answer: d. Discourages welfare of the society

i. __________ key is used to reduce repetitive strain.
a. Stickyb. Serialc. Moused. Toggle
Answer: a. Sticky

ii. _________ means that the query uses criteria you provide to hide some data and display only required data.
a. Filteringb. Sortingc. Reportd. Forms
Answer: a. Filtering

iii. Which of the following applications is not appropriate to store data about ABC Bank customers?
a. Open Office Baseb. MS Accessc. Open Office Writerd. MS Excel
Answer: c. Open Office Writer

iv. When you open a new spreadsheet, by default, it has a sheet named ________ which is managed using tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
a. Sheet1b. Untitled1c. Worksheet1d. New Sheet
Answer: a. Sheet1

v. In a word processor, ____________ option is selected for a scaled resizing of an image.
a. Original Sizeb. Keep Ratioc. Image Sized. Relative
Answer: b. Keep Ratio

vi. Multiple copies of the same file lead to _________.
a. Data Inconsistencyb. Data Redundancyc. Data Consistencyd. Foreign Key
Answer: b. Data Redundancy

i. It is a reference point for the graphics which is created while positioning any image. This point could be the page, or frame where the object is either a paragraph, or even a character in a word processor.
a. Wrap Textb. Alignmentc. Anchoringd. Bookmark
Answer: c. Anchoring

ii. Identify the property which helps to set the number of characters in the text/varchar type field of a table in DBMS.
a. Entry Requiredb. Default Valuec. Sized. Length
Answer: c. Size

iii. __________ is designed to help users with auditory impairments.
a. Sound Sentryb. High Contrastc. Serial Keyd. Show Sounds
Answer: d. Show Sounds

iv. State whether True or False: “It is not possible to create a default template in a Word processor.”
a. Trueb. False
Answer: b. False

v. Reviewers and authors can add their ______ to explain their changes in the cell of a Spreadsheet.
a. Commentsb. Hyperlinkc. Worksheetd. Macros
Answer: a. Comments

vi. In Calc, arguments passed to a macro from Calc are always ___________.
a. Cell Referenceb. Valuec. Both a and bd. Sheet Reference
Answer: c. Both a and b

i. Identify the website that offers offline blog service for free.
a. Blogdeskb. Qumanac. WordPressd. Both a and b
Answer: d. Both a and b

ii. John has written a book consisting of fifteen chapters. He wanted to make the index of the book. Suggest him the option used to create the index automatically in a word processor.
a. Tablesb. Mail Mergec. Columnsd. Table of Content
Answer: d. Table of Content

iii. The length of the field value of text data type is _____ characters by default in DBMS.
a. 10b. 25c. 20d. 50
Answer: d. 50

iv. A healthy lifestyle helps to keep and improve people’s health and well-being. It does not include:
a. Healthy eating habitsb. Stress managementc. Physical activitiesd. Less sleep
Answer: d. Less sleep

v. In a spreadsheet using to create a hyperlink to a web FTP or Telnet, click on the __________ icon available in the Hyperlink dialog box.
a. Browserb. Hyperlinkc. Internetd. Mail & News
Answer: b. Hyperlink

vi. A _________ refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find the values or data that you want a formula to calculate.
a. Cell Referenceb. Blockc. Sheet Referenced. Autofill
Answer: a. Cell Reference

i. Identify the mode where we can modify the structure of a table.
a. Datasheet Viewb. Structure Viewc. Design Viewd. All of the above
Answer: c. Design View

ii. BSNL stands for _____________________.
a. Bihar Sanchar Nigam Limitedb. Bharat Samachar Nigam Limitedc. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limitedd. None of the above
Answer: c. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

iii. ________ function takes data from a series of worksheets or workbooks and summarizes it into a single worksheet that you can update easily.
a. Data Combinationb. Data Consolidationc. Data Mergingd. Data Concatenation
Answer: b. Data Consolidation

iv. __________ store data in a single table which is suitable to store less amount of data.
a. Flat Fileb. Relationalc. Mini Filed. Single File
Answer: a. Flat File

v. In a word processor, by default, evaluates ________ levels of headings when it builds the table of contents.
a. 3b. 7c. 10d. 12
Answer: a. 3

vi. In ________________ Networks, all computers have an equal status and each terminal has an equ