Word Processing 9th Class IT Notes (in English)

Word Processing 9th Class

Question 1. What is Ms-Word ?

Answer:-  MS Word , whose full name is ‘ Microsoft Word ‘ and also known as ‘ Word ‘, is a Word Processor. Which works to make the document  Open , Create, Edit, Formatting, Share and  Print  etc.

MS Word to  Microsoft  , which has been developed by  Microsoft Office  is a part of. 

Question 2. What are the features of Ms-Word ?

Answer: The features of Ms-Word are as follows –

  1. With the help of this program, any type of document can be prepared in any language in a very short time.
  2. By saving the program created in MS Word in DOCX file format, you can keep it for future
  3. Using headings can make a document more attractive.
  4. The option of word art allows us to choose very well-designed fonts and use them in our document.
  5. In this, we also get the facility to merge mail.

Question 3. How to start Ms-Word ?

Answer: We can do the process of starting Ms-Word in two ways –

  1. Double-clicking on the icon of Ms-Word on the desktop opens the Ms-Word window
  2. Second – Click on Start
    1. Then click on the button named All Programs.
    2. In the menu of All Programs, there will be a folder named Ms-Office, click on it.
    3. After that, there will be an application named Ms-Word inside Ms-Office, clicking on it, the window of Ms-Word will open.

Word Processing 9th Class

Question 4. Give some examples of Word Processing ?


  1. Ms-Word
  2. Open Office
  3. Google Documents
  4. Notepad

Q 5. What is the procedure to open and save the file in Ms-Word ?

Answer: The process of opening and saving the file in Ms-Word is as follows –

Open :-

  1. First of all, we will click on the button named office in Ribbon Bar.
  2. Then we will click on the command named Open (Ctrl + O).
  3. Open’s dialog box will open.
  4. In this dialog box, we will type the name of the file which is already created.
  5. After typing the file name, we will click on the Open button, this will open the file.

Save :-

  1. First of all, we will click on the button named office in Ribbon Bar.
  2. Then we will click on the command named Save (Ctrl + S).
  3. The dialog box of Save will open.
  4. In this dialog box, we will type the name of the file.
  5. After typing the file name, we will click on the Save button.
  6. This file will be saved in your computer’s memory.

Question 6. What is the extension of Microsoft Word ?

Answer * .Doc

Question 7. Write about Tabs and Group in Ms-Word ?


  1. Home – Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing
  2. Insert – Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header and Footer, Text.
  3. Page Layout – Themes, Page Setup, Page Background, Paragraph, Arrange.
  4. References – Tables of Contents, Footnotes, Citations & Bibliography, Captions, Index, Tables of Authorities
  5. Mailing – Crate, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish
  6. Review – Proofing, Comments, zoom, window, Macros

Word Processing 9th Class

Question 8. How to Alignment the text in Ms-Word

Answer: There are four ways you can do Alignment in Ms-Word –Alignment - Word processing

  1. Left Alignment
  2. Center Alignment
  3. Right Alignment
  4. Justify

Question 9. What is Cut, Copy and  Paste ?

Answer   Copy : – By selecting any text or file of the copy, we place a copy of that text or file on our clipboard. Clipboard is a place where the copied data is kept temporarily if we 2 of a text or file. If you want to copy, then the copy command is used for that. The shortcut to copy text or file is command CTRL + C.

       Paste: – Paste command means whatever we copy the text or file can be moved by pasting it to another place. The shortcut command to paste is CTRL + V.

       Cut : – Cut means to move a text or a file from one place to another place. When we use this command, 2 copies of a file or text are not created, the same file or text would go from one place to another. The shortcut command to cut any text or file is CTRL + X.

Question 10. What is the  find and replace option used in Ms-word ?

Answer: When we type inside the document, some words go wrong in it. To fix those words in Ms-Word we can use the Find or Replace option.

The process of Find and Replace is as follows –

  1. We will type text inside the document.
  2. Go Home Tab.
  3. Click on the command named find inside the Editing group.Find - word Processing
  4. The dialog box of Find and Replace will open.
  5. In the Find box, we will write the word that is written incorrectly to us.
  6. In the Replace box we have to write the correct word which we have to bring inside our document.
  7. Wherever the word is wrong, it will be highlighted in the document.
  8. In this way you can correct the wrong word inside your document.

Word Processing 9th Class

Question 11. How many types of Views are in Ms-Word ?

Answer: There are five types of Views in Ms-Word.Five Views - Word Processing

  1. Print Layout: – This is the default view of any document, this view is seen before printing any page.
  2. Full Screen View: – This view hides all the options visible on the screen and only shows the document on the screen.
  3. Web Layout: – With the help of this view, we can view our document as Web Browser.
  4. Outline View: – This view comes in handy when we have a lot of pages of data. It shows our document in the outline view.
  5. Draft View: – With the help of this view, the document can be used for quick editing.

Question 12. Write steps to create table in Ms-Word ?

Answer The steps to create a table in Ms-Word are as follows –

  1. First, get a new document.
  2. After that the mouse cursor should be where the table is to be created.
  3. From the group named table on the insert tab, click on the table option.
  4. From there, after typing No of Rows and No of columns, click on the OK button.

Questions:- Ms-Word in Text to Table written phase change?

Answer The steps to convert Text to Table in Ms-Word are as follows –

  1. First, get a new document.
  2. Add some content to it.
  3. After adding content go to the Insert tab.
  4. Popup menu will open as soon as you click on the option named Table from the Table group.
  5. In that popup menu, click on the command named Convert Text to Table.
  6. But if our text is selected, then this option will work.
  7. The text that is clicked will be converted into a table.

Question 14. What is the use of Margin in Ms-Word and how many types of it?

Answer: Margin is called the empty space on the edges of any page, in which the user can write anything such as – Header, Footer, Page Number etc. There are 5 ways to do margin in Ms-Word –

  1. Top Margin: – The top part of the page of any document is Top Margin. Top Margin is already set to 1 ”in Ms-Word.
  2. Bottom Margin: The bottom part of the page of any document is Bottom Margin. Bottom Margin is already set to 1 ” in Ms-Word.
  3. Left Margin: – While writing text on the page of any document, only the left side of the left side is called Left Margin. In MS-Word, Left Margin is already set to 1.25 ”.
  4. Right Margin: – While writing text on the page of any document, only space left on the right side is called Right Margin. Right Margin is already set to 1.25 ” in Ms-Word.
  5. Gutter Margin: – We use gutter position if we are writing a book or any notes in which we have to leave space for binding on the left side.

Word Processing 9th Class

Question 15. What is Orientation and what is its type?

Answer: Orientation is used to change the page size in a document. Orientation is of two types

  1. Portrait
  2. Landscape

In Portrait the page length is more and width is less

In Landscape the page length is less and width is more

Question 16. What is Tab Alignment in Ms-Word and how is it different?

Answer: Tab Alignment is used to manage the document that we prepare in Ms-Word. Tab alignment in Ms-Word is of three types –

  1. LEFT Tab
  2. Center Tab
  3. RIGHT Tab

Question 17. What is a Print Preview?

Answer: Before printing the page, viewing the page is called print preview. The following is the procedure to view the print preview.

  1. Click the Office button.
  2. Under Print Option, click on Print preview.
  3. On clicking, a section of Print Preview will appear in front of the user.
  4. You can see the preview of the page here.
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